NEW for 2024 – Half Day Hawking with Eagles
The day starts at 9:30 for coffee. Guests are introduced to the Falconer who will give instructions to you regarding the safety procedures required for the morning. From here you will be introduced to Levi our Blue Chillean Eagle, your falconer will give a demonstration on how to handle and fly Levi safely. Once you feel confident we then head out across the fields to the hawking ground.
Levi is a truly beautiful eagle, experience his flights over the fields, the ability of this bird and the moment he glides into your gloved hand.
We return to the centre at 12.30 where you are welcome to walk around and view the other birds we house.
All the specialised equipment you will need is provided. However, we do recommend country-style clothing and stout footwear.
Falconry is the art of taking wild quarry with a trained bird. Birds of prey hold a special fascination for many people who often feel they would like to be close to the birds without necessarily having the responsibility for ownership or long term care.
Unfortunately there is no provision for spectators on these days.
£98.00 per person